Yes we are both formally educated and are Board Certified Companion Animal Behavior Counselors, as well as dog trainers.
Daniel Forst
Daniel Forst is certified by ACABC as a Board Certified Companion Animal Behavior Counselor. He also holds a certificate from the American Foundation for Animal Rescue in the area of Dog training and Instructor skills. Daniel has been published in journals and taught classes in applied canine behavior and psychopharmacology for ACAS’s graduate and undergraduate program. He has testified as an expert witness in multiple jurisdictions.
Shari Forst
Shari Forst is certified by ACABC as a Board Certified Companion Animal Behavior Counselor. She also holds a certificate from the American Foundation for Animal Rescue in the area of Dog training and Instructor skills. Shari has been published and taught classes in applied canine behavior for ACAS’s graduate program. Additionally, she is on staff as a behaviorist for the Warwick Valley Humane Society and has testified as an expert witness in multiple jurisdictions.